Monday, April 2, 2012


Well, I do believe that February's photo a day started a new trend for me, because this past month I participated in a huge chunk of March's photo a day. I'm just loving having a daily Instagram prompt to challenge me to think creatively. It forces me to think of new things to photograph, and also pushes me to learn to use the photo taking and editing apps on my phone. Lots of fun all around.

If you'd like to join in for April, you can find the list here at Fat Mum Slim:

And you can follow me @Kias4 on Instagram. :)

And finally, here are my pictures from March:

Day 1: up

Day 2: fruit

Day 3: your neighborhood

Day 4: bedside

Day 5: a smile

Day 6: 5pm

Day 7: something you wore

Day 8: Can't seem to get it off my phone for some reason.  Wasn't an exciting photo anyway.

Day 9: red

Day 10: loud

Day 11: someone you talked to today (my mom)

Day 12: fork

Day 13: a sign

Day 14: clouds

Day 15: car

Day 16: sunglasses

Day 17: green

Day 18: a corner of your home

Day 19: funny

Day 20: before/after

Day 21: delicious

Day 22 through 27: dropped off the face of the internet

Day 28: trash

Day 29: feet

Day 30: toy

Day 31: another fail on my part

So I did pretty well, right?? Only missed 7 days out of 31.

And now, after seeing all of my awe-inspiring photos, I KNOW you want to join in, right?? :)

Anyone else on Instagram?

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