Thursday, March 1, 2012

#febphotoaday...sort of...

About halfway through February, I started participating in the February photo a day challenge from Fat Mum Slim.

And then about halfway through that second half of the month, I fell off the bandwagon.  Whoops.

Basically, the idea is this:  Every day there is a prompt, and you are supposed to provide your interpretation of that prompt through a photograph.  A lot of photographers do this using Instagram (myself included), and then it's awesome because you can follow the tag #febphotoaday and see how everyone else interpreted that day's prompt.  It also challenges you to think outside the box and learn to take different types of pictures with your phone.

I know you're all dying to see my pictures from February, so here they are...

Day 13: blue, Day 14: heart

Day 15: phone, Day 16: something new

Day 17: time, Day 18: drink

Day 19: something you hate to do, Day 20: handwriting

Day 21: a fave photo of you

That's right. I did 9 of them.  A total of 9 out of 29.  31%.  Definitely not a passing grade in school, but hey, I'm learning to cut myself some slack in this life before eternity.  So I didn't take a picture every day.  At least I did a few days, had fun, and learned in the process.  Something is better than nothing.  And I know the point is to have fun and challenge myself...and that's what I did.

Nevertheless, March is a new month.  So #marchphotoaday, watch out. :)

Anyone else participating or have an Instagram account?  Kim - I know you're in with me!!

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