Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dog Walk!

Back in the pre-baby, pre-marriage, pre-job (aka grad school) days, I used to volunteer at the SPCA once weekly. I absolutely loved it. I've always had a heart for animals, especially dogs. I usually worked with the adult dogs or the puppies at the center. I'd go into their rooms, play with them, take them outside, clean up their messes, and give them some much-needed love. Same with the puppies. I'd also help any customers who came in by answering questions and or letting them play with a dog in a room. It was such an awesome experience. I learned a TON about the animals and also felt so fulfilled knowing I was helping to make a difference by giving some love to some precious homeless animals.

Did you know both of our two pups were once strays?

I do miss those days. But alas, I've now got a career, a husband, a child, and a baby on the way. And ya know, church and Bible study and craft nights and family visits and other stuff thrown in there. No more time for three-hour weekly sessions at the SPCA.

BUT, there is still something I can do. :) Enter the SPCA K9-3k Dog Walk. On April 21st I'll be joining my awesome coworker Maggie for a 3k trek through downtown Raleigh. I'll be taking my dogs, and maybe Krew too. (Yeah, I might have my hands full. :) ) I'm pretty excited, as I've never done a dog walk before. But they've always sounded fun!

So here's your chance to help out. I'm collecting money to help support the SPCA in their endeavor to save homeless animals. If you've got an extra $5 in your pocket that you think you could spare, I'd love to have your support.  Just go to my personal page, below, and make your donation.  It's super easy and super safe.  The page also provides additional information about the SPCA in case you're curious.

Thanks so much for reading! If you have a precious pup or feline in your life, I'm sure you understand my sentiments. :)

Your small donation can help pups like these find a loving, safe home.
(Note: These two are taken!)

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