Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Couch decision

So Dave and I have been considering getting a new couch for our living room in our new house. We have one decent couch right now...the other leather couch and the loveseat we have were both free and are not in the best condition anymore. (Think arms falling off, horrible stains, cracked and scratched leather, etc.) Last night we found the couch below, and we're both liking it:

This color is not as light-blue
(or "Carolina blue" as you North Carolinians might want to call it)
as it looks in this picture.
It's more of a greenish-grayish blue.


We're not sure which color we would want. We initially liked the bluish one (it's called "Hydra"), but then I made the point that it would be much safer to use a Hydra-like color on the walls in the living room (since it's a color we like right now) and get the taupe-colored couch. That way, when our tastes change down the road, we can change the whole color scheme of the room and our couch will still match.

We haven't made a decision yet, although there are many perks. It's micro-suede, and for $59.99 they will spray it with a sealant that comes with a 3-year guarantee of no stains. If we get a stain we can't remove in the next 3 years, they replace the couch for free. It is also fairly inexpensive and on sale right now (~16% off), and they are willing to hold it for us for free until our house is built. All definite pluses.

We have until Tuesday to decide. We'll see. I don't want to jump into anything too quickly, but it does seem like a very good option. I think it will also go well with our brown micro-suede couch we currently have.

What do you think?


  1. Hi dear:) If it helps, Kelly and I ordered a tan couch, and we are planning on painting our walls either a cheerful green, blue or yellow. Kinda like this:
    We figured we can switch out the colors anytime by just changing the pillows and paint (which is WAY cheaper then buying all new furniture)!
    XOXO, Lael:)

  2. Thanks Lael. :)
    That room from Pottery Barn is really pretty. I like it. :)

  3. Jessica and I vote the taupe! She was a couch of similar material with the sealant and it's worked great.
