Thursday, January 27, 2011

I made the switch...

Well, I officially made the switch.  After lots of thinking and consulting with my hubby and friends, I selected a new name for the blog...

Just 1 Step

The meaning behind this name?

Because that's how I work my way toward being the woman God wants me to be.  By taking just one step.  Then one more.  Again and again and again.  If I look at the end goal, it's too overwhelming and I feel lost.  But if I look right in front of me, at that next step I need to make, then I can keep going.

No worries.  If you go to, you'll still be directed straight to this blog.  But my new address will soon be  I just have to switch a few things over.

Yay for a new name.

And now on to revamping my header and layout and font and signature and comments box and...

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