Monday, May 16, 2011


If you currently listen to contemporary Christian radio, you've probably heard the song I'm about to share. I hadn't listened to the radio in quite a while until recently...I tend to stick to CDs and my iPod. However, I'm currently driving a rental car, so this past week left me without my regular sources of music. The song below came on the radio one morning on the way to work, and I found myself moved nearly to tears. Both its lyrics and its musical composition were simple yet so incredibly touching and beautiful. I found that the song's message went right along with a lot of the thoughts I'd been having lately, and it was so comforting to hear reassurance from God through the song's words.

I hope you enjoy.

Blessings by Laura Story

And if you'd like to hear the story behind the song, you can check it out here:

The Story Behind "Blessings"

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