Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Life Catch-Up in Photos: Frisbee Nationals

Hey everyone! Sorry for the long hiatus between blog posts. Dave, Krew, and I are in Indiana this week to spend Thanksgiving with my family. It's been a good trip so far, with some shopping and some hanging around and dinners together. And obviously not much time spent on the computer. :)

Thought I'd finally share some pictures from our trip to Sarasota that we took the last week of October. We went down for Dave's ultimate frisbee national tournament and stayed with my grandma in Bradenton. Dave's team took 5th place, and I was so proud of them!

I'm not going to provide a narrative of the tournament, because my friend Kathryn already did a great job of that over at her blog (and actually wrote her post just a couple days after the tournament - so much more on top of things than me!). You can check it out here: In Sarasota We...

Anyway, here are some of my pictures. (And yes, believe it or not, this is just SOME of them.) :)

Kiddos playing under the tent.

big sister Haley

little brother Liam

and of course our Crouton

Hanging with Grammie

My hubby in action:

Uncle Danny

family pic

frisbee mommas (and momma-to-be!)

Pool time!

Great Gran!

As you can tell, it was a great trip!

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