Tuesday, February 1, 2011

But I can produce pretty age plots!

I've really really been itching lately to do something else with my statistical skills.  I'm not talking like I want to quit my job.  It's a good job; it helps provide for our family very well.  As far as I can tell, I'm pretty good at it.  It's just that I want to do something, ANYTHING (most likely volunteer work), that uses my statistical skills in a way that brings glory to God and helps to further His kingdom.  And I don't feel like I'm doing that right now.

My thought process is this: I've got these skills, and I know He gave them to me for a reason.  Most people hate statistics.  The fact that I truly enjoy the subject tells me that He wants me to use it for something.  But what?  Sure, I'm working in clinical trials...I'm helping to get drugs approved...drugs that help ease suffering and save lives.  And that's all great and dandy.  But really...is it for God's glory, or just for humanity?  Is it really what God is calling me to do for Him?  I don't feel like it is.  Yes, I'm indirectly helping people.  But I don't know if that necessarily means I'm helping God in the way He wants me to.

So...I've tried a couple times in the past to volunteer my skills to Christian organizations. Every time I've been turned down. Why? Because they have no idea what to do with me. They're always like, we appreciate your offer, but we don't seem to have any needs right now.  And I'm like, Seriously?  You can't find anything for me to do??  How about I stick your employees' ages in a spreadsheet and produce a pretty graph for you?? Cuz I can totally do that!!! 

But no, they have never wanted me.  Even with my potential for pretty age plots.

So this week I once again felt the urge to try to get plugged in somewhere.  I decided I'd try emailing my church  to offer my skills.  My church is very large.  So large, in fact, I had no idea who to email.  (I took my chances on the two pastors.)  I was completely expecting one of the two following scenarios: 1) I get a reply a week later saying they will let me know if they think of anything for me to do, followed by zero follow-up (exactly what happened with a past church; a.k.a. DENIAL); or, 2) I get a reply a week later saying they don't need me at all (again.a.k.a. DENIAL).

Imagine my surprise when I got an email back that day from someone (the pastor's secretary?) saying that she'd forwarded my email on to several people and they were looking to see where I could be used.  And imagine my even greater surprise when I got an email back a couple days later from the lead strategist (quite the title, eh?) saying he'd like to meet with me and talk about what I can do for the church.  SCORE!

So yes, I am meeting with TJ the lead strategist on Sunday morning to discuss what I can do for our church.  And I am soooo psyched.  (I'm additionally excited about the fact that I will get to indulge in our church's free coffee with French vanilla creamer while we are meeting.  YUM.)

But now the big question...what can I do for our church?

Thoughts, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Now sure if this is helpful, but can do work out some kind of attendance trend? I have done ushering in the past and now serve as the children's ministry receptionist so I had to work with charting the attendance. But I realize that it is really all for nothing because no one really goes back to look at the numbers. I think there is probably a trend...numbers are very varied during winter holidays and summertime because people travel for vacation, etc. Then, the church can look at how to change their programs accordingly? At our previous (small) church, a large number of members attend the summer retreat, but for some reason they still had church events running for that day even though there were only a handful in attendance. Nothing wrong with that I guess, but maybe it would be better use of the remaining Sunday School teachers' time to do something different instead of teaching a class of 1 or 2. Okay, I'm just rambling now, so I'm going to bed. Good night. Hope everything works out.
